Weight Loss Supplement In Old Age

Weight Loss Supplement In Old Age

Unwanted weight loss in old age is common. If the kilos tumble through no fault of your own, this is almost always a call for help from the body and should be taken seriously. The risk of developing malnutrition is high since unwanted weight loss typically means that the body is not getting enough nutrients to sustain itself. Depending on their life situation and state of health, 10-60% of those over 65 are affected by malnutrition.

In addition to the loss of body fat, the breakdown of the vital body protein is particularly dangerous. Because protein is the basic building block of all cells in the body and makes sure that muscles, organs, and metabolism function normally. Malnutrition should therefore be countered as soon as possible. Statistically, well-nourished seniors live longer and have a better quality of life than their undernourished peers. Those who read protetox customer reviews|Walnut Crossfit must know that dietary supplement along with balanced diet and exercise can result to healthy weight loss.

protetox review

What causes unwanted weight loss?

There are several reasons for undesirable weight loss in old age. Infections, digestive problems, loneliness, loss of appetite, pain, unfavorable diet, and difficulty swallowing often result to unintentional weight loss. Weight loss is also a common symptom of chronic disease.

Whatever the cause, weight loss should not be taken lightly. Because the sooner it is stopped, the better for health and quality of life.

There is a risk of slipping into a vicious circle of malnutrition. The combination of loss of appetite and reduced food intake leads to an ever-increasing loss of body substance and progressive deterioration in nutrition and health.

Muscle loss with age

Unwanted weight loss is often associated with the breakdown of body protein. Usually not only the muscles are affected, but also the immune system and the functions of various organs. The capacity of the heart to pump blood through the body can be compromised due to muscle breakdown and protein deficiency.

If muscles are lost, a person becomes more and more immobile. Therefore, they can’t do some physical activities. There is a risk, especially for older people. They will no longer be able to look after themselves adequately. Grocery shopping and food preparation becomes more difficult. If the joy of eating is then lost, there are usually significant nutrient gaps. An undersupply threatens and ever larger protein gaps speed up the breakdown of the muscles.

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