Neurodiversity Friendly
Some people with autism have difficulty speaking. If you see someone with autism who doesn’t talk or seems uninterested in interacting, introduce yourself and speak directly to them. You can also use your hands as a way to communicate.
Be patient, but not too much
You may have to work a little harder for someone with autism, but you can do it. They’re people too, and they appreciate the effort. One thing that helps is to be patient.
It might take them longer to understand what you said or do what you asked, so just be patient. But don’t be too much of a pushover; if they’re not doing anything, gently remind them what needs to get done.
Offer Choices to the Person with Autism
Offer choices to the person with autism. This will help them feel more empowered in a situation where they might not have felt like they had any control. For example, if you need groceries, offer to take them with you and ask them what they want.
This can help someone with autism feel like they have some form of control and that what they want matters.