Month: January 2023

Improving Your Capacity as a Parent

Improving Your Capacity as a Parent

That some methods of raising children are more successful than others is not exactly news to anyone. Having a happy and healthy child is a goal shared by all parents, but each parent’s approach to this objective may vary depending on their own personal goals and life circumstances.

Affection and Love

Exhibiting affection for one’s child is the single most important skill for raising happy, healthy children. This includes never judging someone or making them feel unloved. Time spent one-on-one with a child is also emphasized.

Controlling One’s Actions

Parents who practice positive discipline encourage their children and make them feel connected, capable, and a part of the family by using positive reinforcement and delivering outcomes (not a punishment) in a loving and firm manner.


You do your part to make sure your kid is safe. Some examples of this are enforcing limits and keeping tabs on their routine and social circle. It’s also about doing things like babyproofing your house, making kids wear helmets when riding bikes, teaching them safe street crossing strategies, and discussing sexual consent. It takes effort, time, the correct resources, and a lot of patience to figure out what abilities you have and what ones could use some fine-tuning.

Health Benefits Of Tank Repairs

Health Benefits Of Tank Repairs

Water intended for human consumption is a vital food whose quality must be controlled during its transport. However, water storage and distribution structures can be the site of deposit phenomena resulting from the sedimentation of particles or physico-chemical reactions and the growth of microorganisms. These phenomena are influenced by parameters such as the residence time, or even the interventions carried out on the installations.

raven tanks

Cleaning and repairs of drinking water tanks

It is necessary to integrate hygiene rules during the design, construction, and operation of water installations intended for human consumption.

Water storage and distribution facilities must therefore undergo cleaning and disinfection operations in order to preserve the quality of the water distribution.

To preserve water quality and ensure consumer safety, it is important that effective monitoring and maintenance of all technical installations be ensured.

Why should you clean and disinfect water distribution installations?

During work carried out on water distribution networks intended for human consumption, the various interventions can lead to the contamination of the water distributed to the consumer’s tap. The purpose of cleaning and disinfection of installations is therefore to eliminate the possible causes of deterioration in the quality of the water because:

  • it is not possible to work on the installations in perfect aseptic conditions
  • chemical and/or mechanical cleaning, as well as rinsing with plenty of water, are, on their own, insufficient to prevent contamination of the water subsequently distributed.

How do you clean a drinking water tank?

The tank is emptied then cleaned of the various deposits and finally, completely disinfected. This also gives way for any tank repairs. The entire tank is rinsed before being refilled. This might take several hours for each tank.

The water distribution is interrupted only if the mesh of the network does not allow it. In general, the distribution is maintained and does not cause any disturbance for the subscribers. The equipment used is fully disinfected so as not to disrupt tank operations.

The operation of cleaning and disinfection of water installations must therefore make it possible to obtain, as soon as they are put back into service, a quality that complies with regulatory requirements. In particular, it is to eliminate the pathogenic germs in water that can be harmful to human health.
