Tag: thirst quenchers

Help Kids Make Proper Drink Choices

Help Kids Make Proper Drink Choices

Many children drink too little or the wrong thing. Thirst is a sign that the body lacks water. Even slight dehydration has consequences and can even have a negative impact on school performance.

Nothing works without water

Water is needed everywhere in the body. For example, it transports nutrients into the cells and is involved in almost all metabolic processes.

Some of the liquid you need is found in your food, in fruits and vegetables, in salads, in dairy products and in other water-rich foods. The majority of the liquid that your body needs, however, has to be supplied through drinks. Depending on their age, children and adolescents should drink 1 to 2 litres of liquid a day.

If you drink too little, the mouth and mucous membranes become dry. Dehydration can have serious consequences. Difficulty concentrating, headaches or impaired vision can occur. School grades can even deteriorate in school children.


The healthiest drinks for children

The best thirst quencher is plain water. It is calorie-free and contains no sugar, flavouring or colouring. Tap water is just as suitable as mineral water.

Unsweetened herbal or fruit teas are also good thirst quenchers. There’s a wide range to choose from, so you’re sure to find flavours your child likes. Fruit teas in particular also taste wonderful cold.

For adolescents who are suffering from obesity, the Ikaria Lean Belly Juice product is a healthy drink for them. This can help them burn belly fat and stay fit. Through this site, you can find a high standard of quality fitness and health information to help you as parents.

Sweet drinks are not a solution

Children love it sweet, even when drinking. If possible, do not give them any soft drinks. Fruit nectar, cola or ice tea are bad thirst quenchers. A lot of sugar is added to all these drinks, often more than 100 grams per litre. That’s around 30 sugar cubes. Such amounts of sugar not only attack the teeth but can also make you fat in the long term.

Natural high-calorie drinks

Natural fruit juices contain a similar number of calories as sweet drinks because all fruits contain natural fructose. If you want to do without calorie bombs, it is best to offer your children diluted fruit juices.
