Respectfully Connected Anthology
If you’re staying in the hospital, here’s a list of items you should keep close by.
- A comfortable outfit to wear home from the hospital (either one or two pieces).
- A soft blanket to bring your baby home in and use for swaddling.
- The car seat that will be used for bringing your baby home.
- A small bag of clothes for quick changes.
- Medications.
- Extra bottles for when your milk comes in (if you’re breastfeeding).
- Breast pads, if you’re breastfeeding.
- Soothing music or white noise app on your phone or tablet.
- Pacifiers, if desired.
Items You will need for Home Births
If you are doing a home birth, then see to it that you have the following:
- Nursing bras and other comfortable clothing
- 23 sets of sheets and blankets
- Large, comfortable recliner or couch
- Pillows (2 or 3)
- Soft, lightweight blanket for baby to sleep in
- Crib (or some other type of bed)
- Baby clothes and diapers at least 24 newborn size outfits and 24 newborn diapers
- Toys that are safe for babies to play with (optional)